It is that time of year again. Folks are going to be dishing out New Year resolutions like its food. Most times, these resolutions are never resolved. They end up as wishful thinking.
I want to give a little tip on how you can achieve your New Year Resolution. I will mostly be using the word goal and I will give you my reasons by giving a dictionary meaning of both.
Resolution.... the act of resolving or determining upon an action, course of action, method, procedure.
Goal.... the result or achievement towards which effort is directed; Aim; End
Goal is the end of your resolve. So your new year resolution should be more than a resolve, you should pursue it with a clear picture of the end in your mind.
There are so many factors involved before you can achieve your new year goals. I will only list a few and you can conduct more research to see what else you need to do to achieve results. The mere effort of saying it is not going to help you. But it is a step in the right direction. That’s Awareness, which is very important.
1, Intention; Intention is being clear about what you want. Clarity of purpose. What you intend to achieve.
2, Desire; Desire is to crave, want something. How much do you want it? Want is the prerequisite for achieving your goals. You have to want it enough, before you can get it.
3, Purpose; You have to have a definite purpose in order to achieve your goal. There must be a reason you want to achieve this goal. What is it?
4, Write it down. Always write down your goals or it will take wings and fly. You will forget it or the details. Place it where you can always see it to serve as a reminder.
5, Be You; Your goals should reflect what you want. Not what your spouse want. Not what your coworkers, friends, family want. Don’t do it because others are doing it. That’s Social Conformity. You want to belong. Nobody can be you more than you. If you become somebody else, Who's going be you?
6. Will; Will is ability to stay focused on what you want to achieve in spite of all contradictory thoughts or events. The power of choosing ones own actions.
7, Fear; do not be afraid to set your goals too high. Get excited about your goals. Don’t listen to naysayers. Wright brothers were bicycle mechanics, but they built an air plane. What do you think their neighbors were saying?
8, Believe; Reevaluate your belief. Believe in yourself. Believe in your Goals. Believe in your God given ability and capability to achieve your goal. Have the confidence and assume your goal already achieved.
9, Gratitude; Always be grateful. Show gratitude even when you have not achieved your goal. The power of gratitude cannot be quantified.
10, Add your own.
Ayke Iyinagoro
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