Aykes World

Monday, May 16, 2016

Conversation with a thief (Season 1 episode 1)

I am not going to reveal where this conversation took place, but it was for real.
"What will you do when you come out from prison?" I asked the young man.
"I will go back to stealing, that's all I know how to do"
"Why don't you learn a skill now that you are here?" I asked. "The state provides it for free"
"No that won't give me enough. Do you know I can make your salary on a good day?"
"But on a bad day you will be caught" I said.
"It doesn't happen often. Do you know how many times I have stolen before I was caught?"
"Over 30 times"
"And did you make money in all of them?"
"No. But can you guess the highest amount I have made?"
"Try a guess"
"Ok. $500"
He smiled. "No, $9000. I found it in an empty apartment"
"How long did the money last for you?"
"Close to a month"
"And after that what did you do"
"I went back to stealing"
"And you were caught"
"Does that not teach you something?"
"No. The punishment is light compared to the crime"
"How many years do you have?"
"9 years"
I was shocked. 9 years in prison and somebody thinks it's nothing.
"How old are you?"
"23 years"
"Long have you been here?"
"5 years"
Still shocked.
I will stop here to come out of my shock. I will continue this conversation to show where it leads to.

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